RSM Venous Forum 2016

Busy day indeed.

Final sessions of the Joint meeting of the Royal Society of Medicine Venous Forum and the European Venous Forum held at the RSM in London this year.

An excellent meeting with lots of delegates (it was full!) and I had to judge a session of eposters. Still in the teething stages that session, but some excellent presentations.

The big thing this year, as in recent years, is the explosion of treatment options and rationale for deep venous disease. It's a little like the Wild West, but now with the internet nowhere is can go off-piste. Which is definitely good, but also hinders development as often the mistakes and hunches are the options that prove the best.

Overall though a really good meeting, which will hopefully encourage more younger trainees and fellows into the venous world.

A good bit of coffee networking and catching up prior to hot footing it across town to get my shoes fixed and phone repaired.

22° Mist and Fog
51.4724° N, 0.122501° W


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