Vascular Society ASM 2024- Brighton

#Prepping for the Vascular Society 2024…

This year it's back to Brighton for the annual meet-up at the Vascular Society Annual Scientific Meeting.

Hopefully it will be less entertaining than the riots that happened last year…

This year I have a new hat - Honorary Secretary of the RSM Venous Forum and what delights that has brought…

So now we will be decamping (at 04:30!) to the south coast for a few days of conference learning and networking.

Organising these things is like herding cats - this is mainly because people often have very busy clinical diaries and multiple email accounts, and the address book is often out of date.

Venous work, despite being the majority of Vasuclar Surgery, often also gets thought of very much second. This doesn't give us much chance. However, we are planning on rising above and producing great stuff.

Just look at the amazing Joint Vascular Society and RSM Venous Forum Pump Priming Research Grant Application videos!. Some truly great work and an amazing £5000 at stake!

I hope to be able to update with some cracking photos and videos. But every time I organise that I run out of time to actually edit it!

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom


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