New Music - Beck - Colors (2018)

Beck - Colors (2018)

I love Beck's music. It's fun, sweet, uplifting, calming and just generally good times.

I just keep forgetting that I like it.

Which is both good and bad - it means I come back to it and go "wow!" And it means I don't come back often enough. His albums are just perfect.

His Album Colors flew under the radar for me. It shouldn't for you. It's Disco Beck not Country Beck. It's fun.

It's somehow classic Beck but feels completely modern. The maestro may be ageing, but the talent is legend.

The stand out for me is Dreams, but the title track Colors uses pan pipes to make a funky disco tune. Which sounds far better in reality and shows me that Beck can actually do no wrong.

The album flys by in blizzard of hooks and esoteric samples. Never painfully hipster always hip. It is just fun.

Enjoy it!

51.4356° N, 0.159575° W


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