Making bread…
Breadmaker update
So I finally managed to convince the Boss that a breadmaker is the way forward.
Well I say convinced but frankly she surprised me with the idea - I had given up!
So I am now the proud owner of a Panasonic SD-YR2550SXC which is frankly amazing.
- I have had to have the paddle replaced due to the covering somehow being scratched (on warranty no issues). Little problem and even if out of warranty these are only £15 on Amazon.
- I eat lots of bread
- Loads of receipes
- Amazing bread
- Quick
- Encourages practice
- Cheaper and better bread
The device is easy. It is literally pour the stuff in and press go. Out pops amazing bread.
But it also explains the different components to the bread and why they're important. Did you know it only takes 4 things to make french bread? Yeast, flour, salt and water. Pretty sure most other bread has a bit more in it, to keep it fresh I suppose.
It allows you to make dough for oven finishing or full bread. It does Sourdough - though the family hate the idea so haven't tried it.
Raisin bread is ace.
The ingredients are cheap and for every £1.50 pack of flour, you get the equivalent of 3 loaves…
You do need to make sure you keep it airtight as it will go stale quickly - cos it's bread!
I would recommend trying it and the Panasonic is the Ferrari of breadmakers…. I am very happy with it indeed!
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