Adventures away with the iPad Pro

I recently upgraded my venerable old MacBook Air (still working well mind you) and my old iPad Mini 2 (still working!) - both about 6 years old.

I had been waiting for a solution that meant I could remote dial in for hard sums but keep my travelling light. For that I needed Screens as well, but that's ok.

And it has arrived. The iPad Pro 2018 version. Just incredible. Does everything I need, and can display a 27" retina iMac screen without going blind.

Now iOS is not quite there for everything, but I've found stats software, dial in software and the productivity apps are amazing.

Frankly I am so pleased I could cry. Mainly because the app is better on iOS than Mac OSX!

I can write full articles with Bookends, I can tap into the cloud systems.

It just works and it works at high speed and high intensity for hours!

Oh and the camera is great.

Sent from my iPad


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